Bug Reports

Have you found a bug? Please report it here (blenderartists.org/t/bake-wrangler-node-based-baking-tool-set/) following these guidelines:

Always post the steps to reproduce the bug.

User interface bug:
Along with describing what you did, post a screen shot if possible/relevent and any error messages produced in the console.
Bake process bug:
Make sure to enable ‘Debug’ in the Preferences. This should cause a complete log of the process to open in a new window when the process fails. Please post this text with your report. If a log doesn’t open you may need to post your .blend file.
Bake output bug:
If the results of a bake pass don’t match what is expected, first verify your node tree set up and check the tool-tip for the pass you are using to see if it has any special requirements. If the result is still incorrect post your node tree along with the expected and actual outputs. I will likely need your .blend file also.

Thanks for helping to improve Bake Wrangler!